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Showing posts with label Online Journalism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Online Journalism. Show all posts
In the early 21st century, Concrete Examples of the Global Digital Divide residents of First World countries enjoy many Internet services which are not yet widely available in Third World countries, including: Affordable and widespread Internet access, either through personal computers at home or work, through public terminals in public libraries and Internet cafes, and through wireless access points; E-commerce enabled by efficient electronic payment networks like credit cards and reliable shipping services; Virtual globes featuring street maps searchable down to individual street addresses and detailed satellite and aerial photography;

Online research systems like LexisNexis and ProQuest which enable users to peruse newspaper and magazine articles that may be centuries old, without having to leave home; Price engines like Froogle which help consumers find the best possible online prices and similar services like Shop Local which find the best possible prices at local retailers; Electronic services delivery of government services, such as theability to Pay taxes, fees, and fines online.

Concrete Examples of the Global Digital Divide

In the early 21st century, Concrete Examples of the Global Digital Divide residents of First World countries enjoy many Internet services which are not yet widely available in Third World countries, including: Affordable and widespread Internet access, either through personal computers at home or work, through public terminals in public libraries and Internet cafes, and through wireless access points; E-commerce enabled by efficient electronic payment networks like credit cards and reliable shipping services; Virtual globes featuring street maps searchable down to individual street addresses and detailed satellite and aerial photography;

Online research systems like LexisNexis and ProQuest which enable users to peruse newspaper and magazine articles that may be centuries old, without having to leave home; Price engines like Froogle which help consumers find the best possible online prices and similar services like Shop Local which find the best possible prices at local retailers; Electronic services delivery of government services, such as theability to Pay taxes, fees, and fines online.

Posted at 3:09 PM |  by Sohail Khatri
For a long time, gate keeping has provided a dominant paradigm for journalistic news gathering and news publishing in the mass media, both for journalists’ own conceptualization of their work and for academic studies of this mediation process. In media such as print, radio, and TV, with their inherent structures of available column space, air time, or transmission frequencies, it is necessary to have established mechanisms which keep watch over these gates and select events to be reported according to specific criteria of newsworthiness. Gate keeping is the process by which selections are made in media work, especially decisions whether or not to admit a particular news story to pass through the “gates” of a news medium into the news channels. Lately, however, the effectiveness of gate keeping has been questioned from a number of perspectives: on the one hand, increasingly ‘the practice of journalism is being contaminated from outside. The “fourth estate” is in danger of being overwhelmed by the “fifth estate”, the growing number of “PR merchants and spin doctors” influencing the news agenda’ (Turner et al. 2000: 29, following Franklin) and undermining the reliability of the gate keeping process itself. This is also related to the fact that ever since the emergence of 24-hour broadcast news services and even more so since the advent of online news the reporting speed required of news services has also increased steadily, which has made gatekeepers even more likely to rely on prepared material from this ‘fifth estate’ rather than spending time and money on their own, independent research.

Further, the addition of the World Wide Web to the media mix has meant that news consumers are now
far less reliant on what passes through the gates of the mainstream news organizations, but can bypass these altogether and turn directly to first-hand information providers. Technological advances are opening up opportunities for individuals to express themselves to a wider audience. The consumer is turning producer as the affordability and ease of operation of digital recorders, still cameras and DVCs make confident non-journalists to record and transmit coverage of news events.
This disintermediation has meant, therefore, that online the gates are now located with the information providers (ultimately, with anyone who publishes a Website with potentially newsworthy information) as well as with the end user.
Thus, for the online context gate keeping may no longer be the most appropriate news gathering paradigm; instead, it is replaced with an alternative approach to gate keeping altogether that is gate watching. This practice of monitoring the content of external sites and alerting the community to new developments can usefully be described as ‘gate watching’ I: users-as-journalists watch the gates of other publications to see what material passes through them – but they have no ability to prevent that material from being published, or to keep other users from reporting material which they themselves might have considered less than newsworthy.Gatewatching is a significant modification to the power structures of journalism; the focus has shifted away from a strict selection of ‘all the news that’s fit to print’ (leaving anything else unpublished), to the alerting of readers to the most relevant of information from all the content which is currently available. Gate watchers fundamentally publicize news (by pointing to sources) rather than publish it (by compiling an apparently complete report from the available sources). While maintaining the benefits of gate keeping (specifically, the ability to provide readers with an overview of current key news), this addresses several problems inherent in the gatekeeper approach:
• Stories have the potential to be more deeply informative, since readers are able to explore the source materials directly, and in full;
• The speed of news reporting increases since new stories can be posted as soon as source information is found anywhere on the Net, without a need to wait for journalists to file their stories or gatekeepers to complete their evaluation; the news gathering process becomes more transparent, and readers are not prevented from checking a report’s sources for themselves, but instead encouraged to do so; the news gatherer’s personal bias may still affect their own report, but since readers are more likely to consult original sources this bias will have a reduced effect; Gate watchers do not require significant journalistic skills, but instead need to have more general online research skills.
This is linked to the new media-driven shift from news as information to news as myth. Some downsides or challenges are clearly visible:
Gate watching relies almost entirely on the availability of existing news sources
• It evaluates and publicizes news, but does not create news reports itself.
• Misinformation and bias in the original sources will therefore be passed through to the reader.
• Gate watching also requires more work of the reader, who (in line with general trends for online audiences) really must be an active user rather than a passive recipient of news, and takes on some of the role of the traditional gatekeeper-journalist themselves: by passing through the gates pointed out by the gate watcher, the user in their search for information and their evaluation of what they find becomes their own gatekeeper. But people in developing countries are not much aware and are passive users.
• Finally, gate watching also continues to rely on the gate watchers’ intuition of what news topics might interest their users. News as myth is myth, after all – but at the very least the plurality of gate watcher sites enables a plurality of divergent myths. ‘People are increasingly able to seek out stories and storytellers who challenge and reject views of the state scribes [i.e., of the major political and economic interests].
• People tell each other news as myth. News as myth is myth, after all – They must have the ability to find others who share and confirm their views of the world.
• People must have the research skills and their ability to make the most of electronic networks and cheap digital equipment for news production and distribution.

From gate keeping to gate watching

For a long time, gate keeping has provided a dominant paradigm for journalistic news gathering and news publishing in the mass media, both for journalists’ own conceptualization of their work and for academic studies of this mediation process. In media such as print, radio, and TV, with their inherent structures of available column space, air time, or transmission frequencies, it is necessary to have established mechanisms which keep watch over these gates and select events to be reported according to specific criteria of newsworthiness. Gate keeping is the process by which selections are made in media work, especially decisions whether or not to admit a particular news story to pass through the “gates” of a news medium into the news channels. Lately, however, the effectiveness of gate keeping has been questioned from a number of perspectives: on the one hand, increasingly ‘the practice of journalism is being contaminated from outside. The “fourth estate” is in danger of being overwhelmed by the “fifth estate”, the growing number of “PR merchants and spin doctors” influencing the news agenda’ (Turner et al. 2000: 29, following Franklin) and undermining the reliability of the gate keeping process itself. This is also related to the fact that ever since the emergence of 24-hour broadcast news services and even more so since the advent of online news the reporting speed required of news services has also increased steadily, which has made gatekeepers even more likely to rely on prepared material from this ‘fifth estate’ rather than spending time and money on their own, independent research.

Further, the addition of the World Wide Web to the media mix has meant that news consumers are now
far less reliant on what passes through the gates of the mainstream news organizations, but can bypass these altogether and turn directly to first-hand information providers. Technological advances are opening up opportunities for individuals to express themselves to a wider audience. The consumer is turning producer as the affordability and ease of operation of digital recorders, still cameras and DVCs make confident non-journalists to record and transmit coverage of news events.
This disintermediation has meant, therefore, that online the gates are now located with the information providers (ultimately, with anyone who publishes a Website with potentially newsworthy information) as well as with the end user.
Thus, for the online context gate keeping may no longer be the most appropriate news gathering paradigm; instead, it is replaced with an alternative approach to gate keeping altogether that is gate watching. This practice of monitoring the content of external sites and alerting the community to new developments can usefully be described as ‘gate watching’ I: users-as-journalists watch the gates of other publications to see what material passes through them – but they have no ability to prevent that material from being published, or to keep other users from reporting material which they themselves might have considered less than newsworthy.Gatewatching is a significant modification to the power structures of journalism; the focus has shifted away from a strict selection of ‘all the news that’s fit to print’ (leaving anything else unpublished), to the alerting of readers to the most relevant of information from all the content which is currently available. Gate watchers fundamentally publicize news (by pointing to sources) rather than publish it (by compiling an apparently complete report from the available sources). While maintaining the benefits of gate keeping (specifically, the ability to provide readers with an overview of current key news), this addresses several problems inherent in the gatekeeper approach:
• Stories have the potential to be more deeply informative, since readers are able to explore the source materials directly, and in full;
• The speed of news reporting increases since new stories can be posted as soon as source information is found anywhere on the Net, without a need to wait for journalists to file their stories or gatekeepers to complete their evaluation; the news gathering process becomes more transparent, and readers are not prevented from checking a report’s sources for themselves, but instead encouraged to do so; the news gatherer’s personal bias may still affect their own report, but since readers are more likely to consult original sources this bias will have a reduced effect; Gate watchers do not require significant journalistic skills, but instead need to have more general online research skills.
This is linked to the new media-driven shift from news as information to news as myth. Some downsides or challenges are clearly visible:
Gate watching relies almost entirely on the availability of existing news sources
• It evaluates and publicizes news, but does not create news reports itself.
• Misinformation and bias in the original sources will therefore be passed through to the reader.
• Gate watching also requires more work of the reader, who (in line with general trends for online audiences) really must be an active user rather than a passive recipient of news, and takes on some of the role of the traditional gatekeeper-journalist themselves: by passing through the gates pointed out by the gate watcher, the user in their search for information and their evaluation of what they find becomes their own gatekeeper. But people in developing countries are not much aware and are passive users.
• Finally, gate watching also continues to rely on the gate watchers’ intuition of what news topics might interest their users. News as myth is myth, after all – but at the very least the plurality of gate watcher sites enables a plurality of divergent myths. ‘People are increasingly able to seek out stories and storytellers who challenge and reject views of the state scribes [i.e., of the major political and economic interests].
• People tell each other news as myth. News as myth is myth, after all – They must have the ability to find others who share and confirm their views of the world.
• People must have the research skills and their ability to make the most of electronic networks and cheap digital equipment for news production and distribution.

Posted at 2:58 PM |  by Sohail Khatri
Copyrights and never plagiarism Journalist must value original thought and expression. Their work should be free from fraud and deception. That includes plagiarism and fabrication. They must attribute content and honor copyrights. It includes not just cutting and pasting whole articles, but copying photos, graphics, video and even large text excerpts from others and putting them on your web page as well. If they want to reference something on another website, link it instead. If they are concerned that the page you're linking to will disappear, give your readers the name of the publication that published the page, its date of publication and a short summary of its content. Just like news reporters used to reference other content before the Web.

Copyrights and never plagiarism

Copyrights and never plagiarism Journalist must value original thought and expression. Their work should be free from fraud and deception. That includes plagiarism and fabrication. They must attribute content and honor copyrights. It includes not just cutting and pasting whole articles, but copying photos, graphics, video and even large text excerpts from others and putting them on your web page as well. If they want to reference something on another website, link it instead. If they are concerned that the page you're linking to will disappear, give your readers the name of the publication that published the page, its date of publication and a short summary of its content. Just like news reporters used to reference other content before the Web.

Posted at 2:50 PM |  by Sohail Khatri
Never distort the content of photos without disclosing what has been changed or digitally alter photographs to mislead the audience. Image enhancement is only acceptable for technical clarity.

Montage and photo illustrations should be label. Any attempt to confuse readers or misrepresent visual information is prohibited. In photographing news, do not stage or restructure events. Similarly, in editing video, do not insert words or splice together statements made at different times so as to suggest that they were uttered at the same time. Pieces of an interview or address generally should be presented in the order that they occurred. If an interview is presented in question-and answer format, the questions must be presented as they were asked. Reaction shots may not be altered after the fact. Staging is prohibited.

Distortion of the content of photos and videos

Never distort the content of photos without disclosing what has been changed or digitally alter photographs to mislead the audience. Image enhancement is only acceptable for technical clarity.

Montage and photo illustrations should be label. Any attempt to confuse readers or misrepresent visual information is prohibited. In photographing news, do not stage or restructure events. Similarly, in editing video, do not insert words or splice together statements made at different times so as to suggest that they were uttered at the same time. Pieces of an interview or address generally should be presented in the order that they occurred. If an interview is presented in question-and answer format, the questions must be presented as they were asked. Reaction shots may not be altered after the fact. Staging is prohibited.

Posted at 2:48 PM |  by Sohail Khatri
The term "Webcasting" is used to describe the ability to use the Web to deliver live or delayed versions of sound or video broadcasts. It is a broadcast that is delivered over the Internet. Participants can view and hear streaming media, and they can participate in real-time online chats. Web casting streaming video has been around for a while, but news sites are just beginning to combine various interactive tools with the Webcasts into packages. Adding links to related stories, chats, polls that are referred to in the Webcasts create a very different experience than just watching TV.

More advanced versions use technologies such as Flash and SMIL to embed instructions within the video so that text, links, etc., can be called up at certain points in the video. During the 2000 presidential debates, for example, users could watch the debate on their computer and on the same screen see a “Debate Monitor” panel that was continuously updated with facts related to the statements each candidate made, as they made them.

What is the Interactive Webcasts

The term "Webcasting" is used to describe the ability to use the Web to deliver live or delayed versions of sound or video broadcasts. It is a broadcast that is delivered over the Internet. Participants can view and hear streaming media, and they can participate in real-time online chats. Web casting streaming video has been around for a while, but news sites are just beginning to combine various interactive tools with the Webcasts into packages. Adding links to related stories, chats, polls that are referred to in the Webcasts create a very different experience than just watching TV.

More advanced versions use technologies such as Flash and SMIL to embed instructions within the video so that text, links, etc., can be called up at certain points in the video. During the 2000 presidential debates, for example, users could watch the debate on their computer and on the same screen see a “Debate Monitor” panel that was continuously updated with facts related to the statements each candidate made, as they made them.

Posted at 2:34 PM |  by Sohail Khatri
Many online journalism elements and Multimedia Interactive stories combine multiple forms, creating, in effect, new, hybrid forms. The most complicated of these use Flash's animation technology to integrate text, click able graphics, audio, photos, video -- and sometimes even polls or quizzes -- to create comprehensive interactive packages that tell stories in ways no other medium can.

What is The Multimedia Interactive?

Many online journalism elements and Multimedia Interactive stories combine multiple forms, creating, in effect, new, hybrid forms. The most complicated of these use Flash's animation technology to integrate text, click able graphics, audio, photos, video -- and sometimes even polls or quizzes -- to create comprehensive interactive packages that tell stories in ways no other medium can.

Posted at 2:32 PM |  by Sohail Khatri
 There are various Components of Blogs and each content have differs way.
1- Subject or Header: Subject or header is the blog's title.
2- Content or Body: The text is typed or pasted into the body.
3- Comments: The comment feature allows others to take part in a discussion regarding the contents of
your blog. When visitors add their own two cents regarding the subject matter, a lively discussion can proceed. Many bloggers and blog readers appreciate the sense of community blogs offer thanks to comments.
4- Time and Date Stamp: Because blogs are arranged in chronological order, it's important for visitors to note the time and date of each post.
5- Community:
The blog builds community around a common vision. Bloggers will often link to other blogs and websites as a way of illustrating a point or citing a source. This not only adds an air of credibility to the blog, but it also allows readers to visit blogs they might not have otherwise heard about. The blogger on the other end of the link is sure to appreciate the resulting boom in traffic. In fact a community made up of like-minded bloggers and commentators usually form as a result of the links. These bloggers will cite each other's blogs in their own and even discuss and analyze each other's topics.
6- Blogroll: A list of links to other blogs, often called a blogroll.
7- RSS feeds: that permits automatic notification of blog subscribers when new entries are posted.
8- An archive feature for older articles.
9- Blogs also focus on a particular topic such as a corporate vision, politics, religion, sports, or health.

Components of Blogs

 There are various Components of Blogs and each content have differs way.
1- Subject or Header: Subject or header is the blog's title.
2- Content or Body: The text is typed or pasted into the body.
3- Comments: The comment feature allows others to take part in a discussion regarding the contents of
your blog. When visitors add their own two cents regarding the subject matter, a lively discussion can proceed. Many bloggers and blog readers appreciate the sense of community blogs offer thanks to comments.
4- Time and Date Stamp: Because blogs are arranged in chronological order, it's important for visitors to note the time and date of each post.
5- Community:
The blog builds community around a common vision. Bloggers will often link to other blogs and websites as a way of illustrating a point or citing a source. This not only adds an air of credibility to the blog, but it also allows readers to visit blogs they might not have otherwise heard about. The blogger on the other end of the link is sure to appreciate the resulting boom in traffic. In fact a community made up of like-minded bloggers and commentators usually form as a result of the links. These bloggers will cite each other's blogs in their own and even discuss and analyze each other's topics.
6- Blogroll: A list of links to other blogs, often called a blogroll.
7- RSS feeds: that permits automatic notification of blog subscribers when new entries are posted.
8- An archive feature for older articles.
9- Blogs also focus on a particular topic such as a corporate vision, politics, religion, sports, or health.

Posted at 8:15 PM |  by Sohail Khatri
There are various Types of blogs, and each differs in the way content is delivered or written.


2- By device
3- By Genre

1- By media type
A blog comprising videos is called a vlog, one comprising links is called a linklog, a site containing a portfolio of sketches is called a sketch blog or one comprising photos is called a photo blog. Blogs with shorter posts and mixed media types are called tumblelogs. An Artlog is a form of art sharing and publishing in the format of a blog, but differentiated by the predominant use of and focus on Art work rather than text. A rare type of blog hosted on the Gopher Protocol is known as a Phlog

2- By device
Blogs can also be defined by which type of device is used to compose it. A blog written by a mobile
device like a mobile phone or PDA is called a moblog.

3- By Genre
Some blogs focus on a particular subject, such as political blogs, travel blogs, fashion blogs, project blogs, niche blogs, classical music blogs, legal blogs (often referred to as a blawgs) or dreamlogs. While not a legitimate type of blog, one used for the sole purpose of spamming is known as a Splog. A Slog (Site or website log) is a section or 'slice' of a regular business website, which is seamlessly integrated within the regular website structure but is produced with blogging software.

Legal status of publishers
A blog can be private, as in most cases, or it can be for business purposes. Blogs either used internally to enhance the communication and culture in a corporation or externally for marketing, branding or PR
purposes are called corporate blogs.

Blog search engines
Several blog search engines are used to search blog contents (also known as the blogosphere), such as
blogdigger, Feedster, and Technorati. Technorati provides current information on both popular searches and tags used to categorize blog postings.

Blogging Communities and Directories
Several online communities exist that connect people to blogs and bloggers to other bloggers, including
BlogCatalog and MyBlogLog. A collection of local blogs is sometimes referred to as a Bloghood.

Types of Blogs

There are various Types of blogs, and each differs in the way content is delivered or written.


2- By device
3- By Genre

1- By media type
A blog comprising videos is called a vlog, one comprising links is called a linklog, a site containing a portfolio of sketches is called a sketch blog or one comprising photos is called a photo blog. Blogs with shorter posts and mixed media types are called tumblelogs. An Artlog is a form of art sharing and publishing in the format of a blog, but differentiated by the predominant use of and focus on Art work rather than text. A rare type of blog hosted on the Gopher Protocol is known as a Phlog

2- By device
Blogs can also be defined by which type of device is used to compose it. A blog written by a mobile
device like a mobile phone or PDA is called a moblog.

3- By Genre
Some blogs focus on a particular subject, such as political blogs, travel blogs, fashion blogs, project blogs, niche blogs, classical music blogs, legal blogs (often referred to as a blawgs) or dreamlogs. While not a legitimate type of blog, one used for the sole purpose of spamming is known as a Splog. A Slog (Site or website log) is a section or 'slice' of a regular business website, which is seamlessly integrated within the regular website structure but is produced with blogging software.

Legal status of publishers
A blog can be private, as in most cases, or it can be for business purposes. Blogs either used internally to enhance the communication and culture in a corporation or externally for marketing, branding or PR
purposes are called corporate blogs.

Blog search engines
Several blog search engines are used to search blog contents (also known as the blogosphere), such as
blogdigger, Feedster, and Technorati. Technorati provides current information on both popular searches and tags used to categorize blog postings.

Blogging Communities and Directories
Several online communities exist that connect people to blogs and bloggers to other bloggers, including
BlogCatalog and MyBlogLog. A collection of local blogs is sometimes referred to as a Bloghood.

Posted at 8:09 PM |  by Sohail Khatri
There are more advantages than disadvantages to blogging, but the disadvantages will definitely cause your blog's failure and could even put you in the midst of controversy or see you mocked by other bloggers.

Bloggers are people with attitude. They say there’s a book inside everybody. The Web and blogs have let the book out! There has literally been an explosion of opinion. Now, we can hear all sorts of voices on the subject. It’s true democracy at work. Talk of blogs is everywhere. Corporations, authors, and experts of every stripe are finding that blogs can be valuable marketing and PR tools. But blogs aren't for everyone.

So before you join the blog sphere, consider both the advantages and the caveats. The major advantage of blogs is that they are interactive and require no knowledge of coding by the content creators. The major disadvantage is that maintaining a successful blog requires skillful research, professional writing skills and a huge commitment of time and effort. There simply is no such thing as a
perfect marketing tool, or an effortless way to build traffic to any site, including blogs. The 2004 Presidential race inaugurated the blog into the realm of serious marketing tool. From in-house communication, file sharing, and sheer speed of creation to interactivity with an audience, blogs are the
cheapest, most effective content management tool yet created

Advantages and Disadvantages of Blogs

There are more advantages than disadvantages to blogging, but the disadvantages will definitely cause your blog's failure and could even put you in the midst of controversy or see you mocked by other bloggers.

Bloggers are people with attitude. They say there’s a book inside everybody. The Web and blogs have let the book out! There has literally been an explosion of opinion. Now, we can hear all sorts of voices on the subject. It’s true democracy at work. Talk of blogs is everywhere. Corporations, authors, and experts of every stripe are finding that blogs can be valuable marketing and PR tools. But blogs aren't for everyone.

So before you join the blog sphere, consider both the advantages and the caveats. The major advantage of blogs is that they are interactive and require no knowledge of coding by the content creators. The major disadvantage is that maintaining a successful blog requires skillful research, professional writing skills and a huge commitment of time and effort. There simply is no such thing as a
perfect marketing tool, or an effortless way to build traffic to any site, including blogs. The 2004 Presidential race inaugurated the blog into the realm of serious marketing tool. From in-house communication, file sharing, and sheer speed of creation to interactivity with an audience, blogs are the
cheapest, most effective content management tool yet created

Posted at 10:07 AM |  by Sohail Khatri
The Advantages of Blogs in Business are really common known as the major advantages are,

1- The consumer and citizen are potentially better informed and this can only be good for the long-term
health of our societies and economies.
2- Blogs are an excellent way to share knowledge with others on both a personal and business level.
3- Blogging permits team communication in a group that is scattered geographically, with many advantages over traditional email.
4- Blogs have potential to help the organization develop stronger relationships and brand loyalty with its customers, as they interact with the ‘human face’ of the organization through blogs.
5- Blogs, in an intranet environment, can be an excellent way of sharing knowledge within the
6- Blogs can be used to provide feedback, ideas, and concepts. They can be a positive way of getting feedback, and keeping your finger on the pulse, as readers react to certain pieces, suggest story ideas, etc.
7- Blogs can build the profile of the writer, showcasing the organization as having talent and expertise.
8- Blog software is often free and easy to use. A non-technical person can use a blog. Blog pages can be created quickly and updated easily by a non-technical person. Blog software is so user friendly that it frees you from the tyranny of the IT department. Even a technical clunk head can post content, images,
photos, articles and more to the Internet instantly.
9- Journalists troll blogs for source material because bloggers often break stories before traditional media. Posts in your blog can lead to coverage in mainstream, traditional media. Key people in the media search the blogs for information. We often get news from blogs well before the same information is seen in CNN. FOX, traditional networks, or other news services.
10- Blogs are a perfect way to organize large amounts of information because posts are automatically archived and searchable.

11- Blogs generate traffic. Search engines love blogs, so a good blog will drive traffic to you and your web site. Blog page listings are updated frequently in the search engines because they are strong on content and changed often. As a result, blogs can drive high-quality listings for a web site.
12- Blogging is a very inexpensive form of advertising and there is a high click through rate for advertising on the better blogs. Its good advertising and marketing. Click-through rates on blog ads can reach 5%, and blog advertising is particularly good for niche marketing. Banner ads are nowhere near that. Some bloggers are getting 6-figure incomes from their support advertising in their blogs.
13- Blogs establish you as an authority on the subject of your blog, increasing your credibility.
14- Several blogs reach over 100,000 unique visitors a day. In other words, if you do it right you have a very large audience.

Advantages of Blogs in Business

The Advantages of Blogs in Business are really common known as the major advantages are,

1- The consumer and citizen are potentially better informed and this can only be good for the long-term
health of our societies and economies.
2- Blogs are an excellent way to share knowledge with others on both a personal and business level.
3- Blogging permits team communication in a group that is scattered geographically, with many advantages over traditional email.
4- Blogs have potential to help the organization develop stronger relationships and brand loyalty with its customers, as they interact with the ‘human face’ of the organization through blogs.
5- Blogs, in an intranet environment, can be an excellent way of sharing knowledge within the
6- Blogs can be used to provide feedback, ideas, and concepts. They can be a positive way of getting feedback, and keeping your finger on the pulse, as readers react to certain pieces, suggest story ideas, etc.
7- Blogs can build the profile of the writer, showcasing the organization as having talent and expertise.
8- Blog software is often free and easy to use. A non-technical person can use a blog. Blog pages can be created quickly and updated easily by a non-technical person. Blog software is so user friendly that it frees you from the tyranny of the IT department. Even a technical clunk head can post content, images,
photos, articles and more to the Internet instantly.
9- Journalists troll blogs for source material because bloggers often break stories before traditional media. Posts in your blog can lead to coverage in mainstream, traditional media. Key people in the media search the blogs for information. We often get news from blogs well before the same information is seen in CNN. FOX, traditional networks, or other news services.
10- Blogs are a perfect way to organize large amounts of information because posts are automatically archived and searchable.

11- Blogs generate traffic. Search engines love blogs, so a good blog will drive traffic to you and your web site. Blog page listings are updated frequently in the search engines because they are strong on content and changed often. As a result, blogs can drive high-quality listings for a web site.
12- Blogging is a very inexpensive form of advertising and there is a high click through rate for advertising on the better blogs. Its good advertising and marketing. Click-through rates on blog ads can reach 5%, and blog advertising is particularly good for niche marketing. Banner ads are nowhere near that. Some bloggers are getting 6-figure incomes from their support advertising in their blogs.
13- Blogs establish you as an authority on the subject of your blog, increasing your credibility.
14- Several blogs reach over 100,000 unique visitors a day. In other words, if you do it right you have a very large audience.

Posted at 9:58 AM |  by Sohail Khatri
The Disadvantages of Blogs in Business are know as non-technical person to update the blog
1. Like practically everything else on the Web, blogs are easy to start and hard to maintain. Writing coherently is one of the most difficult and time-consuming tasks for a human being to undertake. So, far
from blogs being a cheap strategy, they are a very expensive one, in that they eat up time. As a result, many blogs are not updated, thus damaging rather than enhancing the reputation of the organization.

2. Most people don’t have very much to say that’s interesting, and/or are unable to write down their ideas in a compelling and clear manner. People who have most time to write have least to say, and the people who have most to say don’t have enough time to write it.

3. It is easy for a non-technical person to maintain a blog. This is both a plus and a minus. The fact that

updating is easy makes it possible for a non-technical person to update the blog. At the same time, this
means you can find a large number of blogs out there that add nothing to the blogosphere but garbage and mis-information.

4. Blogs are time intensive. You need to do research to find and verify information. You have to keep up with many other blogs. You have to keep your blog updated, or you lose your readers. It also takes time and effort to build your audience. Once the audience is built, however, it is a loyal audience. Of the over 11 million blogs out there, only about 4 million are active. People quit keeping the blogs up for a variety of reasons. Most of these relate to the difficulty and time required to author quality content and the research required to keep it accurate, but can be avoid Disadvantages of Blogs in Business

Disadvantages of Blogs in Business

The Disadvantages of Blogs in Business are know as non-technical person to update the blog
1. Like practically everything else on the Web, blogs are easy to start and hard to maintain. Writing coherently is one of the most difficult and time-consuming tasks for a human being to undertake. So, far
from blogs being a cheap strategy, they are a very expensive one, in that they eat up time. As a result, many blogs are not updated, thus damaging rather than enhancing the reputation of the organization.

2. Most people don’t have very much to say that’s interesting, and/or are unable to write down their ideas in a compelling and clear manner. People who have most time to write have least to say, and the people who have most to say don’t have enough time to write it.

3. It is easy for a non-technical person to maintain a blog. This is both a plus and a minus. The fact that

updating is easy makes it possible for a non-technical person to update the blog. At the same time, this
means you can find a large number of blogs out there that add nothing to the blogosphere but garbage and mis-information.

4. Blogs are time intensive. You need to do research to find and verify information. You have to keep up with many other blogs. You have to keep your blog updated, or you lose your readers. It also takes time and effort to build your audience. Once the audience is built, however, it is a loyal audience. Of the over 11 million blogs out there, only about 4 million are active. People quit keeping the blogs up for a variety of reasons. Most of these relate to the difficulty and time required to author quality content and the research required to keep it accurate, but can be avoid Disadvantages of Blogs in Business

Posted at 9:45 AM |  by Sohail Khatri
If you are thinking Word Wide Web To Work For You so start to be far too overwhelmed and exhausted in your work with internet promotion then you’re most likely doing the work all wrong.  You must not have any of those emotions.  It is crucial to remember that you have to put the world wide web to work for your company.  Now there are a large number of various instruments and sources that are available to help you all the way through your web marketing efforts plus its high time you find out about them.  The thing you don’t want to happen will be for you to flush your own potential victory down the drain.

1.  The first and in all probability most crucial approach to make the online world work for you personally would be to apply SEO.  This is a method to design your website from inside so that it is extremely desirable for website visitors as well as search engines like google.  You are able to use the world wide web to find out about the SEO practice also.  Doing an easy Google search gives you virtually all the answers that you might want.

2.  If you ever are asking yourself anything at all about online marketing then there is help available right at your fingertips.  By way of example, if you’re struggling with the SEO of your respective site you can check out a good SEO forum to obtain a few answers from other folks which could have undergone exactly the same functions as you.  You will find this calming which will keep you continuing to move forward with your own internet promotion targets.

3.  Many folks become overcome whenever advertising their product or service on the internet since they think that they need to focus on anyone and everyone.  This isn’t the case.  Actually, it’s not necassary to try to make this happen because you can get tired and eventually you might give up since it is not possible to focus on everybody.  That is when you employ a technique called niche marketing.  This lets you focus on a specified portion of the human population and your sales will crank out much quicker if you put that to make use of.
You can absolutely put the net to work for your business.  Quit getting stressed and tired and try taking some recommendations on exactly how the web can help you all through your journey to achieving your financial goals.

Word Wide Web To Work For You

If you are thinking Word Wide Web To Work For You so start to be far too overwhelmed and exhausted in your work with internet promotion then you’re most likely doing the work all wrong.  You must not have any of those emotions.  It is crucial to remember that you have to put the world wide web to work for your company.  Now there are a large number of various instruments and sources that are available to help you all the way through your web marketing efforts plus its high time you find out about them.  The thing you don’t want to happen will be for you to flush your own potential victory down the drain.

1.  The first and in all probability most crucial approach to make the online world work for you personally would be to apply SEO.  This is a method to design your website from inside so that it is extremely desirable for website visitors as well as search engines like google.  You are able to use the world wide web to find out about the SEO practice also.  Doing an easy Google search gives you virtually all the answers that you might want.

2.  If you ever are asking yourself anything at all about online marketing then there is help available right at your fingertips.  By way of example, if you’re struggling with the SEO of your respective site you can check out a good SEO forum to obtain a few answers from other folks which could have undergone exactly the same functions as you.  You will find this calming which will keep you continuing to move forward with your own internet promotion targets.

3.  Many folks become overcome whenever advertising their product or service on the internet since they think that they need to focus on anyone and everyone.  This isn’t the case.  Actually, it’s not necassary to try to make this happen because you can get tired and eventually you might give up since it is not possible to focus on everybody.  That is when you employ a technique called niche marketing.  This lets you focus on a specified portion of the human population and your sales will crank out much quicker if you put that to make use of.
You can absolutely put the net to work for your business.  Quit getting stressed and tired and try taking some recommendations on exactly how the web can help you all through your journey to achieving your financial goals.

Posted at 8:30 PM |  by Sohail Khatri
What are The Requirements for Blogging .
 • Blogs are writing intensive. Most people would rather have root canal than write something
coherent, pithy and provocative every day. It takes talent, skill and training to write down ideas
clearly and make them interesting to read.
• Maintaining a blog is hard work. Searching and writing is a complex and extremely time consuming
task. A blog that isn't kept up to date quickly loses its luster and its audience.
• Blog software is cheap and easily configured. However, you need to have a designer customize
the appearance and navigation of your blog and set up templates to make using it easy for you.
• It takes time, effort, and skillful promotion to build an audience for a blog. Just like a newsletter,
report, Website or e-book, driving traffic to a blog requires marketing.
• You have to register your blog in blog search engines, and use subtle PR to push traffic to your
blog. Blogs are no more of a "build it and they will come" medium than Web sites. Beyond time
and consistently good content, you need to think about sending out press releases and media alerts
about your blog's scoops. (And of course you need to have scoops to do that.)
• A blog that isn't well-written and frequently updated will simply be ignored.
• A blog that is an obvious attempt at self promotion may be mocked by other bloggers. You could
be a laughing stock of the blogosphere.

Blogging Requirements

What are The Requirements for Blogging .
 • Blogs are writing intensive. Most people would rather have root canal than write something
coherent, pithy and provocative every day. It takes talent, skill and training to write down ideas
clearly and make them interesting to read.
• Maintaining a blog is hard work. Searching and writing is a complex and extremely time consuming
task. A blog that isn't kept up to date quickly loses its luster and its audience.
• Blog software is cheap and easily configured. However, you need to have a designer customize
the appearance and navigation of your blog and set up templates to make using it easy for you.
• It takes time, effort, and skillful promotion to build an audience for a blog. Just like a newsletter,
report, Website or e-book, driving traffic to a blog requires marketing.
• You have to register your blog in blog search engines, and use subtle PR to push traffic to your
blog. Blogs are no more of a "build it and they will come" medium than Web sites. Beyond time
and consistently good content, you need to think about sending out press releases and media alerts
about your blog's scoops. (And of course you need to have scoops to do that.)
• A blog that isn't well-written and frequently updated will simply be ignored.
• A blog that is an obvious attempt at self promotion may be mocked by other bloggers. You could
be a laughing stock of the blogosphere.

Posted at 3:46 PM |  by Sohail Khatri
Blog Comments
Pros and Cons of Blog Comments are an excellent way of sharing information on any subject under the sun. Blogs allow you to build a global following of readers that may be based around a common interest. As well as sharing your identity with readers, you also get to hear the inner workings of like-minded folks. Blogs help create a more interactive and socially aware universal community. One of the most exciting features of the blogging experience is that it is not just about putting your thoughts on the World Wide Web but getting feedback or comments from and connecting with others of similar interests. Blog comments let readers of your blog from around the blogosphere give a piece of their minds on what you share on your blog.
Receiving comments from readers is one great way to learn and widen your perspectives about things. 
Blogs are akin to conversations. One of the key characteristics of a blog is the ability of readers to leave comments on what you have posted. This ability paves the way for two-way communication that creates the feel of a true conversation and in many cases help builds meaningful relationships.Blog comments can be also used to facilitate another conversation. They can serve as catalysts that will let readers set the agenda for your next posting and in the process generate even worthwhile and longer conversations. Blog comments provide you with a topic for a new post. Bloggers do run out of things to write about. Blog comments provide you with ideas for new posts. Instead of conversations waning fast as the post gets old, the conversation stimulates new excitement and can proceed to another level when you draw your readers’ attentions back to the conversation. Some comments can even change your opinion on a topic or  present another point of view. You can give ample acknowledgement to your readers for contributions and the effect will be significant – a worldwide following of loyal readers. On some blogs, comments are threaded so that readers can also comment on other comments.
However, some bloggers especially those with heavy traffic or massive readership are reluctant to allow blog comments. A highly trafficked blog would need a staff to manage the influx of comments.
Comments can be lots of work and if not managed properly can reflect poorly on a company blog or a celebrity blog. Some comments even need to be edited, moderated and sometimes out rightly deleted. A
comment is said to be moderated when the blogger controls the comments on the different article posts. This helps tackle comment spam and delete unwanted comments. Comment spam is one reason why some bloggers do not allow blog comments

Comment spam refers to useless comments to posts on a blog.They usually contain links to other blogs or websites. Spammers use comment spam to obtain high ranking in search results. Spammers can be quite relentless thus bloggers sometimes get overwhelmed and just decide to shut off blog comments. Nevertheless, there are anti- spam and spam combating tools to control comment spam. The Internet community is constantly working on more and better ways to combat these annoying blog comments. Comment spam can be minimized thus there is absolutely no reason to totally turn off blog comments. There are times too when an influential blogger writes something controversial and ends up with hundreds of comments. Since some of them are not direct links, it is hard to conduct a real conversation in blog comments especially if you get a deluge of comments. These comments can sometimes be rude, off topic and offensive. For a blogger who doesn't have the time or doesn't want to make time, commentsmay not be worth it. Sometimes it takes so much of time to even think about them. A good solution is to scan the comments and respond in summary in a second posting. It is all a question of handling blog comments you receive.

The Pros and Cons of Blog Comments

Blog Comments
Pros and Cons of Blog Comments are an excellent way of sharing information on any subject under the sun. Blogs allow you to build a global following of readers that may be based around a common interest. As well as sharing your identity with readers, you also get to hear the inner workings of like-minded folks. Blogs help create a more interactive and socially aware universal community. One of the most exciting features of the blogging experience is that it is not just about putting your thoughts on the World Wide Web but getting feedback or comments from and connecting with others of similar interests. Blog comments let readers of your blog from around the blogosphere give a piece of their minds on what you share on your blog.
Receiving comments from readers is one great way to learn and widen your perspectives about things. 
Blogs are akin to conversations. One of the key characteristics of a blog is the ability of readers to leave comments on what you have posted. This ability paves the way for two-way communication that creates the feel of a true conversation and in many cases help builds meaningful relationships.Blog comments can be also used to facilitate another conversation. They can serve as catalysts that will let readers set the agenda for your next posting and in the process generate even worthwhile and longer conversations. Blog comments provide you with a topic for a new post. Bloggers do run out of things to write about. Blog comments provide you with ideas for new posts. Instead of conversations waning fast as the post gets old, the conversation stimulates new excitement and can proceed to another level when you draw your readers’ attentions back to the conversation. Some comments can even change your opinion on a topic or  present another point of view. You can give ample acknowledgement to your readers for contributions and the effect will be significant – a worldwide following of loyal readers. On some blogs, comments are threaded so that readers can also comment on other comments.
However, some bloggers especially those with heavy traffic or massive readership are reluctant to allow blog comments. A highly trafficked blog would need a staff to manage the influx of comments.
Comments can be lots of work and if not managed properly can reflect poorly on a company blog or a celebrity blog. Some comments even need to be edited, moderated and sometimes out rightly deleted. A
comment is said to be moderated when the blogger controls the comments on the different article posts. This helps tackle comment spam and delete unwanted comments. Comment spam is one reason why some bloggers do not allow blog comments

Comment spam refers to useless comments to posts on a blog.They usually contain links to other blogs or websites. Spammers use comment spam to obtain high ranking in search results. Spammers can be quite relentless thus bloggers sometimes get overwhelmed and just decide to shut off blog comments. Nevertheless, there are anti- spam and spam combating tools to control comment spam. The Internet community is constantly working on more and better ways to combat these annoying blog comments. Comment spam can be minimized thus there is absolutely no reason to totally turn off blog comments. There are times too when an influential blogger writes something controversial and ends up with hundreds of comments. Since some of them are not direct links, it is hard to conduct a real conversation in blog comments especially if you get a deluge of comments. These comments can sometimes be rude, off topic and offensive. For a blogger who doesn't have the time or doesn't want to make time, commentsmay not be worth it. Sometimes it takes so much of time to even think about them. A good solution is to scan the comments and respond in summary in a second posting. It is all a question of handling blog comments you receive.

Posted at 3:39 PM |  by Sohail Khatri
When published and distributed the story on the Internet or via e-mail it reaches its final receiver or user. Here's a look at how to tell stories online and the range of forms being used by major online news
organizations. This list was the first comprehensive effort to document online storytelling forms (Has since been updated). It makes infinitely easier for media instructors to explain the convergence - and the divergence - among the various media platforms. Online web writing was more informative multimedia writing moves towards entertainment more like the difference between news writing and feature writing in print. Through multimedia you "add" the eye and the ear. Telling news stories online is exciting and challenging because of all the tools at our disposal. Online journalists must think on multiple levels at once: words, ideas, story structure, design, interactive, audio, video, photos, and news judgment.

TV is about showing the news. Print is more about telling and explaining. Online is about showing, telling, demonstrating and interacting. It’s easy for online journalists, most of who have been trained in
traditional media, to stick to broadcast and print storytelling forms. But that would be a waste. In online journalism you have many more elements to choose from — so use them. Combine the best of each world in the 

Publishing And Distribution
• Use print to explain
• Use multimedia to show
• Use interactive to demonstrate and engage

Publishing And Distribution

When published and distributed the story on the Internet or via e-mail it reaches its final receiver or user. Here's a look at how to tell stories online and the range of forms being used by major online news
organizations. This list was the first comprehensive effort to document online storytelling forms (Has since been updated). It makes infinitely easier for media instructors to explain the convergence - and the divergence - among the various media platforms. Online web writing was more informative multimedia writing moves towards entertainment more like the difference between news writing and feature writing in print. Through multimedia you "add" the eye and the ear. Telling news stories online is exciting and challenging because of all the tools at our disposal. Online journalists must think on multiple levels at once: words, ideas, story structure, design, interactive, audio, video, photos, and news judgment.

TV is about showing the news. Print is more about telling and explaining. Online is about showing, telling, demonstrating and interacting. It’s easy for online journalists, most of who have been trained in
traditional media, to stick to broadcast and print storytelling forms. But that would be a waste. In online journalism you have many more elements to choose from — so use them. Combine the best of each world in the 

Publishing And Distribution
• Use print to explain
• Use multimedia to show
• Use interactive to demonstrate and engage

Posted at 3:05 PM |  by Sohail Khatri
Whoever intentionally causes any Criminal Data Access electronic system or electronic device to perform any function for the purpose of gaining unauthorized access to any data held in any electronic system or electronic device oron obtaining such unauthorized access shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three years, or with fine or with both.

Criminal Data Access

Whoever intentionally causes any Criminal Data Access electronic system or electronic device to perform any function for the purpose of gaining unauthorized access to any data held in any electronic system or electronic device oron obtaining such unauthorized access shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three years, or with fine or with both.

Posted at 2:44 PM |  by Sohail Khatri
Whoever with intent to cause damage to the public or any person interferes with or interrupts or obstructs the functioning, reliability or usefulness of an electronic system or electronic device by inputting, transmitting, damaging, deleting, altering, tempering, deteriorating or suppressing any data or services or halting electronic system or choking the networks shall be punished with imprisonment of either

What is System damage

Whoever with intent to cause damage to the public or any person interferes with or interrupts or obstructs the functioning, reliability or usefulness of an electronic system or electronic device by inputting, transmitting, damaging, deleting, altering, tempering, deteriorating or suppressing any data or services or halting electronic system or choking the networks shall be punished with imprisonment of either

Posted at 2:40 PM |  by Sohail Khatri
Whoever for wrongful gain interferes with or Electronic Fraud uses any data, electronic system or electronic device or induces any person to enter into a relationship or with intent to deceive any person, which act or omission is likely to cause damage or harm to that person or any other person shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to seven years, or with fine, or with Both.

What is Electronic Fraud

Whoever for wrongful gain interferes with or Electronic Fraud uses any data, electronic system or electronic device or induces any person to enter into a relationship or with intent to deceive any person, which act or omission is likely to cause damage or harm to that person or any other person shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to seven years, or with fine, or with Both.

Posted at 2:37 PM |  by Sohail Khatri
Whoever for wrongful gain interferes with data, electronic system or Electronic Forgery Definition, with intent tocause damage or injury to the public or to any person, or to make any illegal claim or title or to causeany person to part with property or to enter into any express or implied contract, or with intent to commit fraud by any input, alteration, deletion, or suppression of data, resulting in unauthentic data with the intent that it be considered or acted upon for legal purposes as if it were authentic, regardless of the fact that the data is directly readable and intelligible or not shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to seven years, or with fine or with both.

Electronic Forgery Definition

Whoever for wrongful gain interferes with data, electronic system or Electronic Forgery Definition, with intent tocause damage or injury to the public or to any person, or to make any illegal claim or title or to causeany person to part with property or to enter into any express or implied contract, or with intent to commit fraud by any input, alteration, deletion, or suppression of data, resulting in unauthentic data with the intent that it be considered or acted upon for legal purposes as if it were authentic, regardless of the fact that the data is directly readable and intelligible or not shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to seven years, or with fine or with both.

Posted at 2:34 PM |  by Sohail Khatri
Whoever commits the offence of cyber Online terrorism and causes death of any person shall be punishable with death or imprisonment for life, and with line and in any other case he shall be punishable with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to ten years, or with fine not less than ten million rupees, or with both.

Any person, group or organization who, with terrorist intent utilizes, accesses or causes to be accessed a computer or computer network or electronic system or electronic device or by any available means, and thereby knowingly engages in or attempts to engage in a terrorist act commits the offence of cyber Online terrorism.
Cyber Terrorism
imminent injury, sickness, or death to any segment of the population;

disrupting or disabling any computer network operated by the Government or any public entity;
Aiding the commission of or attempting to aid the commission of an act of violence against the sovereignty of Pakistan, whether or not the commission of such act of violence is actually completed; or stealing or copying, or attempting to steal or copy, or secure classified information or data necessary to manufacture any form of chemical, biological or nuclear weapon, or any other weapon of mass destruction.

Explanation1: For the purposes of this section the expression “terroristic intent” means to act with the purpose to alarm, frighten, disrupt, harm, damage, or carry out an act of violence against any segment of the population, the Government or entity associated therewith.
Explanation2: For the purposes of this section the expression “terroristic act” includes, but is not limited to.
i. Altering by addition, deletion, or change or attempting to alter information that may result in the
ii. Transmission or attempted transmission o a harmful program with the purpose of substantially

What is Cyber Online Terrorism ?

Whoever commits the offence of cyber Online terrorism and causes death of any person shall be punishable with death or imprisonment for life, and with line and in any other case he shall be punishable with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to ten years, or with fine not less than ten million rupees, or with both.

Any person, group or organization who, with terrorist intent utilizes, accesses or causes to be accessed a computer or computer network or electronic system or electronic device or by any available means, and thereby knowingly engages in or attempts to engage in a terrorist act commits the offence of cyber Online terrorism.
Cyber Terrorism
imminent injury, sickness, or death to any segment of the population;

disrupting or disabling any computer network operated by the Government or any public entity;
Aiding the commission of or attempting to aid the commission of an act of violence against the sovereignty of Pakistan, whether or not the commission of such act of violence is actually completed; or stealing or copying, or attempting to steal or copy, or secure classified information or data necessary to manufacture any form of chemical, biological or nuclear weapon, or any other weapon of mass destruction.

Explanation1: For the purposes of this section the expression “terroristic intent” means to act with the purpose to alarm, frighten, disrupt, harm, damage, or carry out an act of violence against any segment of the population, the Government or entity associated therewith.
Explanation2: For the purposes of this section the expression “terroristic act” includes, but is not limited to.
i. Altering by addition, deletion, or change or attempting to alter information that may result in the
ii. Transmission or attempted transmission o a harmful program with the purpose of substantially

Posted at 3:22 PM |  by Sohail Khatri
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